Webinars and Conferences
Past webinars and conferences
Click each of the pages below to see more information on these events, including video recordings if available.
World Conference on Drowning Prevention
December 2023
The World Conference on Drowning Prevention featured presentations from six BSRG researchers and alumni, as well as many of our collaborators. BSRG research highlighted included: beach safety education; non-fatal drowning; rip-related mortality and rescue characteristics; unpatrolled surf beaches; unintentional surfer and bodyboarder deaths; and learn to swim voucher programs.
The first feature-length, international rip current safety documentary,
Rip Current Survival which features BSRG researchers was also screened.
To download the abstracts for the full program visit the conference website.
2021 Beach Safety Technology Conference (March 2021)
*Video recording available*
The Beach Safety Technology Conference was an international forum exploring the use and development of technology for ocean lifeguards, beach safety professionals and researchers. Co-hosted by the UNSW Beach Safety Research Group and Smart Beaches, the 4.5 hour free online conference feature 22 different presentations on a variety of topics including predictive modelling and risk forecasting, crowd counting technologies, technology for lifeguard data collection and activity reporting, and education and public communication technology. Click here to view the conference webpage and view video recordings of the presentations.
World Drowning Prevention Day Webinar with the UNSW School of Population Health
Members of the UNSW BSRG presented on this short webinar hosted by the UNSW School of Population Health to commemorate the Inaugural World Drowning Prevention day. Presenters include Dr. Amy Peden, Dr. Jaz Lawes, Professor Rob Brander, Dr. Mitch Harley, and Will Koon.
The webinar is 45 minutes in total, you can see the recording here.
Prof. Rob Brander Coast2Coast Zoominar
Prof. Brander discusses the evolution of beach safety research, his personal journey about about how he got involved, and briefly describes recent case study examples of beach safety work.